Wednesday Service

Come and get the “boost” your spirit needs to get through the rest of the week! Each Thursday night, we alternate our services between Men's and Women's, but all are encouraged to attend. Experience God move during worship and lend an ear to a Spirit-led and inspired sermon.

What To Expect

We want you to know up front what it’s like here so you can feel comfortable from the moment you step through our doors.  No matter what stage of life you’re in — single, married, have younger or older children, empty nesters or a senior adult — there’s someone here like you.  You will find a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

We’re so glad you’re here. If you don’t have a church home, we’d love for you join us as we encounter God, get equipped with truth, and engage the world.

How Long Is A typical Service?

In total, our services are about two hours in length. We'll start with the worship team leading the church in praise. Lyrics are projected above so you can sing along and partake in worship however you feel most comfortable. After the worship portion of the service, our pastor will pray for the Holy Spirit to guide his message, sharing a timely and hope-filled Word about Jesus.

More About OUr Beliefs

What’s The atmosphre Like At Iglesia Maranatha?

You can expect an inviting and comforting atmosphere. Members will greet you upon entering, and guide you to an available seat. Feel free to return a hello as we welcome each of our visitors during service. Be prepared to receive and build your connection with Christ!

What should i Wear?

People at Iglesia Maranatha wear jeans, business casual, Sunday best, etc. We don't particularly have a dress code and want you to come as you feel comfortable. Come as you are.

Where will my kids Go?

While parents attend our worship service, the kids will attend special programs designed just for them -- with caring teachers who want to teach about Jesus' love. Preschoolers learn important foundational principles about God, while older children (K-5th grade) build on these principles and deepen their knowledge concerning God’s Word.

What happens when i arrive?

When you arrive, you will enter into our main lobby. You will be greeted by a friendly smile from one of our greeters. Once you enter the sanctuary, feel free to sit at any available seat, or a volunteer may guide you to available seating.